The Knowledge Innovation Centre is a dynamic consultancy focusing on knowledge brokerage and innovation of knowledge transfer processes. Its mission is to transform the ways we learn and work to give the opportunity to every person to reach their full potential. We take a systemic approach to change, focusing on improving education & skills policies and practices globally, via cooperation with governments, international organisations, universities, and civil society.
The Centre brings together a variety of local and European experts from diverse fields and has worked extensively within Quality Assurance of Higher Education, Technology Enhanced Learning, Student Services and Knowledge Economy (as it relates to the Lisbon Agenda and Barcelona Process). The Centre has forged close relationships with a number of stakeholders in the regional innovation, Adult Learning, and Higher Education fields and is active in leveraging such relationships to build multi-disciplinary, multi-country networks for knowledge transfer and capitalisation. In recent years, KIC has been collaborating with the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA), the European Training Foundation (ETF), the European Blockchain Partnership (EBP), and the European University Continuing Education Network (Eucen) amongst others. Moreover, KIC is an external consultant to the EC’s DG EMPL for Europass who contributes to the design and development of the European Learning Model (ELM) and the Qualification Dataset Register (QDR).
KIC has been putting great effort in projects that focus on increasing the attractiveness, accessibility and quality of higher and vocational education, by connecting the worlds of policy making, education and work, by stimulating the market offer of placements in SMEs, and by using technology in education.
As RALExILA’s focus is on adult learning and education, boosting transparency in quality assurance in the field, we feel that KIC can combine different key areas of expertise and interest of KIC and its staff team for this project.
In the field of Adult Education and establishing qualification registers we have contributed extensively to the areas in the last few years, through projects such as: Council Resolution on a new European agenda for adult learning 2021-2030 (NEAL 2021 – 2030), Qualification Dataset Register (QDR), European Learning Model (ELM).
Building on its extensive expertise in the areas of technology in education, KIC collaborates with the partners in the development of all outputs and in particular leads the work package 3 on System modelling and prototyping. This work package aims to define the main system requirements and information models to implement the National Registries for ALE, with the approach to support interoperability among national systems and European systems, through the European Learning Model application as well as other EU based knowledge systems (OP vocabularies, other descriptors for skills and occupations etc.). It will also include the definition of main user flows for the use of the systems and core functional requirements, including for example accessibility and usability requirements.
KIC’s role in the RALExILA project would be to contribute its expertise in interoperability, quality assurance, project management, dissemination, and collaboration to support the creation of a transparent and user-friendly EU-level Adult Learning and Education registry prototype. Through its contributions, KIC aims to enhance access to diverse ALE opportunities and promote trust and awareness in inclusive adult learning.
Anthony F. Camilleri
Senior Partner
Anthony F. Camilleri has 15+ years of experience in Higher Education, digital and learning innovation, Open Learning and Quality assurance. In his research, he has been investigating the linkages between higher education, innovation, quality, and open education. He is an expert in micro-credentials with 10 years of work and research, including coordinating multiple E+ projects and presenting 25+ keynote presentations on micro-credential guidelines and best practices. He has proposed a learning passport model for the recognition of open learning credits and acts as a consultant to the European Commission on digital credentials.
He is also secretary of the International Standard Organisation PC288/WG1 which drafted ISO 21001. Previously, he held the position of Quality Services Manager at EFQUEL and managed a range of e-learning quality certifications.
Stefan Jahnke
Senior Researcher
Jasmina Poličnik
Operations Manager
National Registries of Adult Learning and Education to support the deployment of Individual Learning Accounts – RALExILA
Project Ref: 101132300
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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